We will ask you for a photo of the furniture that you want cleaning, with this photo our fully trained staff will give you an immediate price. WhatsApp also allows us to easily organise dates and times for your clean and answer any of your questions quickly and easily. We do not use your personal info for any type of gain. We do not sell or re market your personal info. We securely store your info. We may use your info for future promotions if you wish to receive them.
Firstly we pre dry vacuum your items. Then we apply a specific pre-spray and adgitate the material with care. HWE (HOT WATER EXTRACTION) - or commonly called "Steam Cleaning" is an American system. Hot water, steam, or cold water, is injected (mixed with specific cleaning products) into the fabric at a set pressure. Alongside the already applied prespray, this pressure disturbs the dirt particles, and loosens them. The machine then (instantly) vacuums up the dirty water into the dirty water storage tank. Our vacuums are perfectly balannced, leaving your items slightly damp, and dry very quickly.
Drying times depend upon many factors. Time of year, weather conditions, type of fabric, internal temperatures. We always try to book work in so as it has the maximum amount of time available to dry depending upon each clients needs. Please let us know if you have specific needs. A sofa can take as little as 2 hours or as much as 8 hours to dry depending on the conditions. We use quick dry fans to assist drying times.
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